Little Snow House with Cari Fennell on Live with Prima | PRIMA.TV - On-line International TV | Mobile

Little Snow House with Cari FennellThursday December 19th at 6:30pm PT/ 9:30pm ETThis little house is the ideal project if you are looking for a last minute gift idea. Not to mention how sweet it would look as part of your décor through winter months, ... [Mobile]

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Little Snow House with Cari Fennell on Live with Prima

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Published by: PRIMA.TV
Date: 08/05/2016 | Views: 1,365
Little Snow House with Cari FennellThursday December 19th at 6:30pm PT/ 9:30pm ETThis little house is the ideal project if you are looking for a last minute gift idea. Not to mention how sweet it would look as part of your décor through winter months, long after the holidays are over. It can hold any number of gifts inside, or it can be used as a luminary with battery-operated candles. It provides so many possibilities and, best of all, it's so fun to create!Prima Products:891756-Chalk Edger-Pas


Channels: Live with Prima |

Tags: little | snow | house | with | cari | fennell | on | live | with | prima |