PRIMA.TV - On-line International TV | Search (Overview) | Tag | adrienne

Search (Overview) results for: Tag | adrienne

Search, Overview, adrienne

Search Results (Overview)


  • Date: 08/05/2016
    Views: 1,365
    Mixed Media Doll Tag with Adrienne Ford -10:00-11:00am PT/ 1:00pm-2:00pm ET Join Adrienne Ford as she shares her spin on the Julie Nutting Stamp by creating her colorful tag using a multitude of art mediums as well as showcasing some of the new Prima C...
  • Date: 08/05/2016
    Views: 1,365
    Fresh Garden Layout with Adrienne Ford Thursday, May 28th at 6:30pm PT/ 9:30pm ET Join Adrienne as she creates a layout straight out of a fresh spring garden. Watch as she uses some of her favorite Prima art mediums to create a background full of deep ...
  • Date: 08/05/2016
    Views: 1,365
    Love and Joy Holiday Card with Adrienne Ford Thursday, December 18th at 6:30pm PT/ 9:30pm ET 12/19-1:30pm Sydney Needing last minute ideas for Christmas? Join Adrienne on Live with Prima as she shares with you how to create a last minute card for that ...
  • Date: 08/05/2016
    Views: 1,366
    Forever Green Layout with Adrienne Ford Thursday, July 24th at 6:30pm PT/ 9:30pm ET During Adrienne's upcoming class, she will be featuring the Forever Green Collection, showcasing the wide variety of color products available! She will then show you h....
  • Date: 08/05/2016
    Views: 1,365
    Prima - Captured Live on Ustream at Secret Garden Layout with Adrienne Ford Thursday, July 23rd at 6:30pm PT/ 9:30pm ET Adrienne is known for her mixed media style layouts, filled with dimension, custom backgro...