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  • Date: 08/05/2016
    Views: 1,366
    Prima Quick Tip: Use our NEW Prima Art Basic Modeling Paste with out stencils and Color Bloom Sprays.
  • Date: 08/05/2016
    Views: 1,365
    Find Strength in Art Mixed Media Album with Jen Matott Thursday, November 29th at 6:30pm PT/ 9:30pm ET 11/30-2:30am GMT/ 1:30pm Sydney In this class, Jen will create a fabulous mixed media album using Donna Downey's Script album with Prima's Craftsma.....
  • Date: 08/05/2016
    Views: 1,376
    White, light-weight, tiny stones which change your acrylic paints, gesso or Art Basics gels and pastes into customized products. Simply add to the base of your choice, mix and apply on the project with a palette knife, texture tool, sponge or brush. Cu...
  • Date: 08/05/2016
    Views: 1,366
    prima - Captured Live on Ustream at Choo Choo Train Party Décor with Miranda Edney Thursday, September 24th at 6:30pm ET/ 9:30pm ET Miranda is the master of altered projects and this one is no exception! She cr...
  • Date: 08/05/2016
    Views: 1,366
    Free Spirit Collection with Cari Fennell Thursday, January 2nd at 6:30pm PT/ 9:30pm ET 1/3-2:30am GMT/ 1:30pm Sydney Free Spirit will inspire you to open up and jump on the papercrafting fun train! Look for trendy, free-flowing graphics; a gorgeous, en...