PRIMA.TV - On-line International TV | Search (Overview) | Tag | colorful

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  • Date: 08/05/2016
    Views: 1,366
    Colorful Canvas Tote with Jen Matott (Designer for Faber Castel) Thursday, May 31st at 6:30pm PT/ 9:30pm ET/ 1:30am GMT This class will explore different mixed media techniques using both Faber-Castell DMC and Prima products. Jennifer Matott will lead ...
  • Date: 08/05/2016
    Views: 1,365
    See how you can color and create with Donna Downey canvas album. Use acrylic paints, Gelatos by Faber Castell, Prima masks and stamping. And check out the newly released, Doodle Duex collection by Prima... Colorful Canvas Album with Cari Fennell Thursd...
  • Date: 08/05/2016
    Views: 1,366
    Created a layout using the brand new Friefly collection by Prima Marketing. - Captured Live on Ustream at
  • Date: 08/05/2016
    Views: 1,365
    Please join me on Thursday May 16th 2013 for a fun mixed media online class. 6:30 PM PT 6:30pm PT/ 9:30pm ET 5/17-1:30am GMT/ 11:30 am Sydney Take your artistic skills to the next level in this mixed media art ...
  • Date: 08/05/2016
    Views: 1,366
    Free Spirit will inspire you to open up and jump on the papercrafting fun train! Look for trendy, free-flowing graphics; a gorgeous, energetic color palette; and sweet cutting-edge embellishments! In this class, we will be coloring resist canvas using ...