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  • Date: 08/05/2016
    Views: 1,366
    Free Spirit Collection with Cari Fennell Thursday, January 2nd at 6:30pm PT/ 9:30pm ET 1/3-2:30am GMT/ 1:30pm Sydney Free Spirit will inspire you to open up and jump on the papercrafting fun train! Look for trendy, free-flowing graphics; a gorgeous, en...
  • Date: 08/05/2016
    Views: 1,366
    Free Spirit Collection with Cari Fennell Thursday, January 2nd at 6:30pm PT/ 9:30pm ET 1/3-2:30am GMT/ 1:30pm Sydney Free Spirit will inspire you to open up and jump on the papercrafting fun train! Look for trendy, free-flowing graphics; a gorgeous, en...
  • Date: 08/05/2016
    Views: 1,365
    Don't Disturb Hanger with Julie Nutting Tuesday, July 7th at 11:00am PT/ 2:00pm ET Can you believe it? A new little bundle has arrived and Julie can't wait to share her newest addition with us on the show! Plus, you have got to see what else she has .....