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  • Date: 24/02/2015
    Views: 1,566
    Trier is a city in Germany on the banks of the Moselle River. It is the oldest city in Germany, founded in or before 16 BC. Trier lies in a valley between low vine-covered hills of ruddy sandstone in the west of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, near ...
  • Date: 24/02/2015
    Views: 1,575
    Ercolano is a town and comune in the province of Naples, Campania (southern Italy). It lies at the western foot of Mount Vesuvius, on the Bay of Naples, just southeast of the city of Naples. The medieval town of Resina was built on the volcanic materia...
  • Date: 24/02/2015
    Views: 1,537
    Ferries to Sicily: Syracuse is a historic city in southern Italy, the capital of the province of Syracuse. The city is notable for its rich Greek history, culture, amphitheatres, architecture, and as the birthplace of the pree...
  • Date: 24/02/2015
    Views: 1,570
    Ferries to Spain: The Burgos Cathedral (Spanish: Catedral de Burgos) is a Gothic-style Roman Catholic cathedral in Burgos, Spain. It is dedicated to the Virgin Mary and is famous for its vast size and unique architecture. Its c...
  • Date: 24/02/2015
    Views: 1,571
    An unequalled ensemble of fifty-six Belfries of Belgium and France is designated by UNESCO as World Heritage Site, in recognition of an architectural manifestation of emerging civic independence in historic Flanders and neighbouring regions from feudal...