"Boo!" Halloween Layout with Limor Webber on Live with Prima | PRIMA.TV - On-line International TV

Boo! Halloween Layout with Limor Webber Thursday, October 10th at 6:30pm PT/ 9:30pm ET 10/11-1:30am GMT/ 11:30am Sydney You don't always need themed products to create the layout you envisioned. This layout incorporates oranges from the Sunrise Sunset...

boo!, halloween, layout, with, limor, webber, on, live, with, prima

"Boo!" Halloween Layout with Limor Webber on Live with Prima

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Published by: PRIMA.TV | Date: 08/05/2016 | Views: 1,366
"Boo!" Halloween Layout with Limor Webber Thursday, October 10th at 6:30pm PT/ 9:30pm ET 10/11-1:30am GMT/ 11:30am Sydney You don't always need themed products to create the layout you envisioned. This layout incorporates oranges from the Sunrise Sunset Collection and all the black and brown colors from the Engraver collection to give you a spooky feel. A household item such as cheese cloth will give your layout the texture of cobwebs that gives this layout that extra spooky feel. Pr


Channels: Live with Prima |

Tags: boo! | halloween | layout | with | limor | webber | on | live | with | prima |