Bold and Beautiful Layout with Janine on Live with Prima | PRIMA.TV - On-line International TV

Bold and Beautiful Layout with Janine Koczwara Tuesday, August 27 at 11:00am PT/ 2:00pm ET/ 6:00pm GMT/ 7:00pm IRE, UK The new Prima Anna Marie collection is bold and beautiful! Janine will show you how to mix and match bold elements with fun vintage t...

bold, and, beautiful, layout, with, janine, on, live, with, prima

Bold and Beautiful Layout with Janine on Live with Prima

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Published by: PRIMA.TV | Date: 08/05/2016 | Views: 1,366
Bold and Beautiful Layout with Janine Koczwara Tuesday, August 27 at 11:00am PT/ 2:00pm ET/ 6:00pm GMT/ 7:00pm IRE, UK The new Prima Anna Marie collection is bold and beautiful! Janine will show you how to mix and match bold elements with fun vintage touches, to give an eclectic feel to your layout. 570033 - Anna Marie Chipboard 846367 - Anna Marie Nightingale 846350 - Anna Marie Party & Play 846299 -Anna Marie Eloise 846336 - Anna Marie Calico 846329 - Anna Marie Sewing Bask


Channels: Live with Prima |

Tags: bold | and | beautiful | layout | with | janine | on | live | with | prima |